Forfattersamtale med Ole Robert Sunde
Ole Robert Sunde debuterte med diktsamlingen "Hakk i hæl" i 1982. Siden har han skrevet en rekke bøker i ulike sjangre, men er nok mest kjent for sine romaner.
I 2017 fikk han P2 lytternes romanpris for "Penelope er syk".
Han er på Svalbard på et to måneders skriveopphold og tar denne kvelden turen til biblioteket for å samtale om sitt forfatterskap.
Arrangementet er et samarbeid mellom Artica Svalbard og Longyearbyen folkebibliotek.

Atlierbesøk Og Vafler Ellen Karin Mæhlum
Grafiker Ellen Karin Mæhlum forteller om sine pågående arbeider og demonstrerer trykkeprosessen.
Mæhlum er Artist in residence hos Artica Svalbard nominert av Queen Sonja Print Award.
Vi server vafler og te.

Åpent Debattmøte / Open Debate Meeting
Do we need a more open debate about the challenges and dilemmas created by Norwegian security policy?
Artica Svalbard´s Key Partner Norwegian PEN believes strongly in transparency and a culture of free speech. One of the concerns that provides the backdrop to this event is that Norwegian politicians are reluctant to discuss changes to security policy openly and honestly. Do so-called rotational deployments of troops on Norwegian soil in practice represent a change to Norwegian policy on foreign military bases? How strongly involved is the Norwegian Intelligence Service in the United States’ geopolitical strategy?

Anote´s Ark, A Film By Matthieu Rytz
What happens when your nation is swallowed by the sea?
Kiribati, a low-lying Pacific atoll nation, is destined to disappear within decades – due to rising sea levels, population growth, and climate change.
Interweaving two personal stories of survival and resilience, Anote´s Ark explores what it takes to migrate an entire nation with dignity.
The Director of the film, Matthieu Rytz, will be visiting Longyearbyen for the screening to introduce his film, followed by a Q & A session.

TENTacle Parade
In September Floortje Zonneveld and Josephine Beijer will host a workshop, where they will, together with the participants, create objects from unrepairable tents. We invite you to come, join and experience the results of this workshop! The artists and participants will create a joyful TENTacles parade outside, in the Svalbard landscape and wind.

Arctic Action, The Official Opening
Arctic Action & NIAN Svalbard are happy to work together with Artica Svalbard on the opening of this event, taking place from 11th-17th of September 2018.
All the artists will give a short introduction to their practice and there will be a performance at the opening.
Vegetarian soup, salad and bread will be served. Free admission

Teresa Grøtan Launches Her New Book ‘Før Øya Synker’/‘Before The Island Goes Under’
Teresa Grøtan is coming to the Longyearbyen Literature Festival to launch her brand new book Før øya synker, which is partly set on Svalbard. Grøtan has travelled to Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean, to Bangladesh, to the U.S. and to Svalbard to meet young people and find out what they make of climate change. She has also interviewed some of the world’s leading experts on climate-related issues.

Larry Siems And Anders Heger In Conversation With Mahamedou Ould Slahi
For the literature festival, Larry Siems will present his new book, Guantanamo Diary, the first and only diary written by a Guantanamo detainee during his imprisonment. This presentation will be done in conversation with the well known Norwegian writer and publisher, Anders Heger. Mohamedou Ould Slahi who was detained at Guantanamo from 2002 until 2016 will also participate in the conversation through skype. Larry Siems has been invited to Longyearbyen Litteraturfestival in cooperation with Norwegian PEN and Artica Svalbard.

Situare Walk with Oddvar I.N. Daren and Lars Paalgard
Artica Svalbard’s artists in residence invite you to join them on a Situare Walk and a presentation of Ars Situare and the Humus Line Project. This art project is due to reach its conclusion on Svalbard in 2019.

Longyearbyen Coding
Together with the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology and Longyearbyen Library we are rolling out Longyearbyen Kode/Coding. This initiative aims to strengthen our understanding of the world in which we live today and of the opportunities that technology provides to Longyearbyen.

Artica Hackerspace 2018
Artica Hackerspace launches on 25th February and continues once a month for young people and adults, and will focus on the possibilities for a technology-based future in Longyearbyen and on finding solutions to protect this fragile environment, led by the Longyearbyen-based coder and avid critic of the gaming world Krister Bernsten.

Book Launch: Don’t Run, My Love - by Easterine Kire
We are delighted to launch the book ‘Don’t Run, My Love’ (2017) by Artica Svalbard Author in Residence Easterine Kire.
Soup will be served - by Polar Permaculture.

Silence, Sun, Feminism, Freedom
Meet poet and author Easterine Kire and editor of Svalbardposten Hilde Kristin Røsvik in conversation led by Hege Newth, Secretary General of Norsk PEN, followed by a performance by Jazzpoesi, with poet Easterine Kire and saxophonist Ola Rokkonoes.

Artica Hackerspace 2018
Artica Hackerspace launches on 25th February and continues once a month for young people and adults, and will focus on the possibilities for a technology-based future in Longyearbyen and on finding solutions to protect this fragile environment, led by the Longyearbyen-based coder and avid critic of the gaming world Krister Bernsten.

Open Workshop | Nuri Sakong
Nuri Sakong is part of the Artica Svalbard Internship Programme 2018 and will present work in progress at Artica Svalbard.
On the 25th February between 15-18 Nuri presents work in progress 'Does God know?' - sound installations and drawings conveying the challenges newcomers to Norway are faced with.

Kunstnerverksted: Det Vi Bærer På
Kunsthall Svalbard og Artica Svalbard inviterer til lek og kreativ utforskning av materialer som perler, bivoks og dyrehud. Ulike materialer kan både skjule og avsløre det som ligger under. Kanskje legger du igjen noe du bærer på?

Pop-up Utstilling På Svalbard Museum
Svalbard Museum, Artica Svalbard og Aktiv i friluft formidler utfordringene med marin forsøpling i Arktis gjennom idéverksted, kunstprosjekt og museumsutstilling.

Franziska Lantz | Prosjekt Isfjorden
On 20th February, the artist Franziska Lantz will explore the spiritual energy of waste collected from the beaches of Svalbard, constructing new stories from the waste that reached Svalbard. Franziska Lantz is an artist/musician who merges music and objects in her installations, using dynamic performances in her perpetual quest to unearth hidden landscapes and lost remains from a post-apocalyptic future past.

Henri Chopin By Maria Adele Del Vecchio
In conjunction with the Arctic Chamber Music Festival and in collaboration with Artica and Arctic Action, the Italian artist Maria Adele Del Vecchio will on 18th February present a storytelling about the French artist and musician Henri Chopin.
Nielsen’s Quintet Performance
On 17th February Arctic Chamber Music Festival and Artica will host an afternoon at Artica’s workshop to explore the works of the composer Carl Nielsen along with a warming bowl of soup. Music is personal, and emotions can be channelled through instruments.

Havet Bringer / Prosjekt Isfjorden (10 til 14 år)
Workshop for barn og unge ledet av kunstner Floortje Zonneveld i samarbeid med Artica Svalbard og Aktiv i friluft Longyearbyen
Dette blir en spennende workshop; du vil lœre stop-motion teknikk og bruke søppel samlet fra Prosjekt Isfjorden på en helt ny måte. Vi skal lage en film sammen. Filmen presenteres i Longyearbyen i februar. Bli med!

Havet Bringer / Prosjekt Isfjorden (7 til 10 år)
Workshop for barn og unge ledet av kunstner Floortje Zonneveld i samarbeid med Artica Svalbard og Aktiv i friluft Longyearbyen
Dette blir en spennende workshop; du vil lœre stop-motion teknikk og bruke søppel samlet fra Prosjekt Isfjorden på en helt ny måte. Vi skal lage en film sammen. Filmen presenteres i Longyearbyen i februar. Bli med!
Suppe og samtale / ซุปและแชท / Soup and chat
Suppe og samtale. Vi møtes over en god gryte suppe. Åpent for alle. Meld om du kommer på denne siden.
ซุปและแชท: เรียนทุกท่านมาร่วมสนุกกัน เรามีซุปรสเยี่ยมสำหรับทุกคน! กรุณาแจ้งให้เราทราบ เพื่อการดำเนินการอย่างราบรื่น.
Soup and chat. Come and join us for a good soup! Open to all. Please let us know here, if you can make it.