Åpent Debattmøte / Open Debate Meeting
Do we need a more open debate about the challenges and dilemmas created by Norwegian security policy?
Artica Svalbard´s Key Partner Norwegian PEN believes strongly in transparency and a culture of free speech. One of the concerns that provides the backdrop to this event is that Norwegian politicians are reluctant to discuss changes to security policy openly and honestly. Do so-called rotational deployments of troops on Norwegian soil in practice represent a change to Norwegian policy on foreign military bases? How strongly involved is the Norwegian Intelligence Service in the United States’ geopolitical strategy?
Silence, Sun, Feminism, Freedom
Meet poet and author Easterine Kire and editor of Svalbardposten Hilde Kristin Røsvik in conversation led by Hege Newth, Secretary General of Norsk PEN, followed by a performance by Jazzpoesi, with poet Easterine Kire and saxophonist Ola Rokkonoes.