Artica Films is a selection of short films that document our activities; from interviews with residents discussing their work and experiences in Svalbard, to highlighting community engagement projects and more.

Interview with resident artist Inma Herrera
In the summer of 2022 we welcomed Spanish artist Inma Herrera to the Artica residency. In this new film Herrera, a visual artist living and working in Helsinki since 2014 shares her reflections on the residency experience, her practice and the meditative process of making.

Interview with resident artist Jessica MacMillan
In November 2021 Artica resident Jessica MacMillan presented Time Line, a one-of-a-kind short term public project which took place for the first time in Longyearbyen.

The Slow Adventure: A Year without Trees
In October 2021, Artica hosted the project: The Slow Adventure, a collaborative between artist Floortje Zonneveld and the students of the Svalbard Folkehøgskole.

Interview with Artica Listens 2021artist Ignas Krunglevicius
For Artica Listens 2021 Ignas Krunglevičius, created HARD BODY DYSPRAXIA, a sonic installation inside a disused coal power plant in Longyearbyen, Svalbard.

In Conversation: Maja Lunde and Line Nagell Ylvisåker
In April 2021 during Maja Lunde’s residency, Artica and Longyearbyen Library hosted an in conversation with Longyearbyen based writer and journalist Line Nagell Ylvisåker.
Artists Talk with Ignas Krunglevicius
During his residency at Artica, artist Ignas Krunglevičius gave an evening talk about his practice and influences. To read more about Krunglevičius and his work visit here.
‘Er Norge en krigs- eller fredsnasjon?’ av Rune Ottosen
Norges selvbilde bygger i stor grad på at myndighetene anser seg selv som en «humanitær stormakt» og fredsmegler. Dette var sentralt i markedsføringen da Norge i sommer vant konkurransen om en plass i FNs sikkerhetsråd.

Artica Listens 2020: Part 4 - The Future of Svalbard
What should the future of Longyearbyen and Svalbard look like? And what will it take to get there? In the final part of Artica Listens 2020, we invited people to join us for a live conversation that linked the topics of the previous three parts.

Artica Listens 2020: Part 3 - An International Community
When the Covid-19 crisis hit, foreigners truly experienced that they have different social rights in Svalbard than Norwegians.

Artica Listens 2020: Part 2 - Nature and Tourism
Longyearbyen is an old coal mining community. Mining is now being phased out, while tourism is promoted as a replacement for lost jobs and to maintain the island’s population.
What is the actual impact of tourism on Svalbard's nature?

Artica Listens 2020: Part 1 - Art and Climate
The first part of Artica Listens 2020 addressed the role of art in communicating the climate crisis. Can art help reduce CO2 emissions?

‘Kinas Blikk På Verden I Dag’ av Harald Bøckman
Studier av Kina har tradisjonelt gått ut på å lære å forstå landets historie, kultur og samfunn. I de siste 30-40 åra er det blitt mer presserende å forstå hvordan Kina forestår verden. Det skyldes at landet, særlig etter at det ble medlem av WTO i 2001, har rykket fram på den internasjonale arenaen på bred front.

‘Drømmen Om Kina - Fortellinger Om Vesten’ av Harald Bøckman
De første europeiske ferdene mot Arktis på slutten av 1500-tallet og ut på 1600-tallet hadde som mål å finne en nordlig – og helst kortere - sjøvei til Kina. Wilhelm Barents, med livet som innsats, kom langt nok til å kunne konstatere at det ville bli mer enn vanskelig.

In Conversation with Artica Listens 2019 artist, Cristina Lucas
In 2019 Artica Svalbard and Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) invited Cristina Lucas as the guest artist for Artica Listens 2019, co-curated by the two organisations. As part of the event wee hosted an in conversation between Lucas, Artica director Eli Skatvedt and journalist Line Nagell Ylvisåker.

Oswaldo Maciá, A Gift to Svalbard
A Gift to Svalbard was an exhibition by the artist Oswaldo Maciá spanning a single day in Vinkelstasjonen, a former coal mine station on Svalbard.