Lantern Lecture: Trine Hamran
Forfatter, fotograf, journalist og Artica-beboer Trine Hamran forteller om bøkene hun har skrevet og hvorfor hun måtte begynne å lage bøker. Forfatterskapet er knyttet til selve livet, og begynte da mannen hennes fikk en kreftdiagnose i 2013.

First Friday Coffee Club
Come along to our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Meet new people, enjoy festive coffee and treats in a relaxed environment.

Lantern Lecture: Svalbard Museum
Mikael Bjerkestrand fra Svalbard Museum, som ledet den arkeologiske utgravningen på Rekvika, forteller om arbeidet med demontering av fangsthytta i felt og arbeidet med å sette den opp i museets nye utstilling.

Lantern Lecture: Katie Herlingshaw
For November’s lecture we look to the dark skies to learn about Svalbard’s Aurora Chasers and why Svalbard is such a special place to watch the northern lights.

First Friday Coffee Club
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your projects for 2023 and of course coffee!

Lantern Lecture: Haakon Braathu
Spooked by the idea of recycling…? Then fear no more, just come along to this fun and informative (maybe a little scary) lecture, Trash Talk! How to recycle on Svalbard and What you’re doing wrong hosted by Haakon Braathu, head of waste management for Lokalstyre.

Monotype printing workshop for adults
* Now fully booked *
Join Artica Svalbard and master printmakers Ellen Edmonson and Cathrine Knudsen for this adults monotype workshop. Monotype is a graphic technique that produces a unique print. This is a creative, fun process where we can use stencils, brushes, draw, drip, roll etc. to get various exciting expressions.

Lantern Lecture: Karoline Baelum
Our next lecture will focus on Farmhamna, one of the last private trapper stations left in Svalbard and Karoline Baelum and her family have owned it for the past 7 years.

First Friday Coffee Club
Come along to our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. We look forward to meeting you and hearing about your projects.

Lantern Lecture: Ruth Maclennan
The first in this series of six lectures will be hosted by current artist in residence, Ruth Maclennan an artist and researcher based in London and northern Scotland.

First Friday Coffee Club
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your projects for 2023 and of course coffee!
Children’s Paper-Making Workshop
Come along to this free workshop on Saturday 26 August and learn how to make your own beautiful paper from old recycled paper.

First Friday Coffee Club
Are you interested in meeting Longyearbyen’s creative community? Then join Artica the first Friday of the month to meet and share your hobbies, projects and ideas with like-minded people who enjoy art, photography, literature and design.

First Friday Coffee Club
It might be the summer holidays but we are still open for coffee club.

First Friday Coffee Club
Are you interested in meeting Longyearbyen’s creative community? Then join Artica the first Friday of the month to meet and share your hobbies, projects and ideas with like-minded people who enjoy art, photography, literature and design.

Artists Talk with Ellen Karin Mæhlum
Artica and QSPA are pleased to invite you to a finissage and Artists Talk with Ellen Karin Mæhlum at the exhibition ARTICA in residence at QSPA in Oslo.

First Friday Coffee Club
Join us for our monthly meet-up with your fellow Longyearbyen peers working in art, literature, photography and design. Share your new projects for 2023 and of course coffee!

Monoprinting Workshop for adults
* Now fully booked *
To celebrate Earth Day, join us for a free mono-printing workshop. Taking inspiration from our planet, the stunning nature and wildlife you are free to create simple prints and experiment with different techniques. This workshop is for adults only.

Barnelitteraturens Svalbard: Magi og realitet
Åse Kristine Tveit, Artica-resident, forteller om hva hun har funnet ved å studere fortellinger om barns liv på Svalbard. Hva kjennetegner bøkene som forteller om barns liv på Svalbard? Mange av disse bøkene, utgitt i løpet av siste 100 år, er fulle av dramatiske hendelser, men også av hverdagslivets små hendelser og konflikter.

Exhibition: Artica in residence at QSPA
This exhibition brings together works by just some of the past artists, writers and researchers with focus towards the QSPA residents, who have stayed at Artica in Longyearbyen over the last seven years.

Solfestuka: Sun Placard workshop
* Now Fully Booked *
In this children’s paper craft workshop you’ll have the opportunity to design and make your own colourful placard to hold up to the sky and welcome back the sun.

First Friday Coffee Club
Artica is open for Coffee Club the first Friday of the month. Come along to this free event and share your hobbies, projects and ideas with like-minded people who enjoy art, photography, literature and design.

First Friday Coffee Club
We are back! Artica will be open for Coffee Club the first Friday of the month. Why not join us and share your hobbies, projects and ideas with like-minded people who enjoy art, photography, literature and design.

Community premiere: Screening of the documentary The Visitors
We are very pleased to invite the community to the premiere of The Visitors (2022). One day before the official release in Norway, the community of Longyearbyen is welcome to watch and discuss the documentary together with the director Veronika Lišková and the main protagonist Zdenka Sokolíčková.